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Visiting the Cambridge Buddhist Centre in person

Updated September 2021

We are looking forward to welcoming more people to the Buddhist Centre. To help make this transition a smooth experience for everyone we have in place some simple measures.

For the time being, class sizes will be smaller than usual, which may mean you will need to book ahead for some events. All rooms will be well ventilated and we also have two air purifiers with HEPA filters. We ask that everyone wears a mask in communal areas, where possible. Hand sanitiser is available. Do not attend the Buddhist Centre if you are at all unwell.

Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Ordinations at Adhisthana

We are delighted to announce that the public ordinations of the following two women from the Cambridge Sangha took place at Adhisthana on the 29th June 2021:

Leah Cooper becomes Kiranadhi, (dot under the ’n’ and long second ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She whose Wisdom shines like a Moonbeam. Private preceptor Vajrasara

Lena Milosevic becomes Akasarani (long first, second and fourth ‘a’. accent over the ’s’, dot under the ’n’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning Queen of Space.
Private preceptor Samacitta

They will be welcomed back as part of our event on... Read More

Vidyasakhi becomes Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre

On Saturday 26 June Jnanavaca, our President, ritually marked Vidyasakhi becoming the Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre and handed her our new symbol of office.

In her first address as Chair of the Centre, Vidyasakhi said:

"I want the Centre to be a shining light, I want the light of the Dharma to shine very brightly here at Cambridge Buddhist Centre so that those who haven't already connected with the Dharma know where to come and can avail themselves of this precious gift that we have all been blessed with. I've been really so struck over the last few weeks and months... Read More

Ordinations at Vajrasana

We are very happy to announce the public ordinations of the following 2 men from the Cambridge Sangha at Vajrasana on 29 May.

Stephen Powell becomes Manjunara, meaning "Gentle, beautiful, charming man".
Private preceptor: Keturaja

Martin Payne becomes Akashasiddhi (long first and second a), meaning "One whose accomplishment is the unbounded nature of the awakened mind".
Private preceptor: Prasannavira

Public preceptor: Arthapriya

Ordinations at Taraloka

We're very happy to announce that ten public ordinations took place at Taraloka on 23 May, with two women from the Cambridge Sangha being ordained.

Mary Allen from Cambridge becomes Sammudita (a long final "a"), a name meaning “She who delights (in the Dharma).” Registered spelling: Sammudita. Private Preceptor: Candraprabha.

Christiane Meckseper from Cambridge becomes Dayanita (a long second and final "a", a long "i"), a name meaning “She who is guided by compassion.” Registered spelling: Dayanita. Private Preceptor: Aryajaya. 

Public preceptor for all: Subhadramati... Read More

Ordination at Adhisthana

Five Public Ordinations took place at Adhisthana Retreat Centre near Ledbury, including one woman from the Cambridge Sangha.

Imogen Tennison becomes Vimaladipa (long final “i” and long final “a”), a Sanskrit name meaning “She who is a lamp of the stainless”. Registered spelling: Vimaladipa. Private Preceptor Viryajyoti

Her Public Preceptor was Padmasuri.

A New Centre Manager for the Cambridge Buddhist Centre

We're delighted to announce that we have a new Centre Manager - Abhayamati is stepping into the post and will be working full-time for the team from 31st May.

I personally am very pleased about this. Abhayamati will bring a depth of experience, both spiritual and organisational, to the role. I anticipate that the team is going to continue to flourish with Abhayamati at the helm. I wish him all happiness and satisfaction in the role.

On behalf of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Council


Becoming Centre Manager, I feel fortunate to have such a... Read More

Abhayamati painting

A New Chair for the Cambridge Buddhist Centre

The responsibility of choosing a new chair for Cambridge Buddhist Centre has been one of the weightiest tasks that our current Council has had to undertake - and we would like to thank all those Order Members who have participated by contributing comments, which have been an invaluable part of the process.   

Consequently, we are now delighted to announce that by a unanimous decision the Council has appointed Vidyasakhi as the new Chair.  A great deal of confidence and goodwill has been expressed in Vidyasakhi during this process and we wish her well as she prepares to take up the... Read More


Padmasambhava Painting Fundraiser

Local Buddhist artist, Ahimsaka, has kindly offered a high resolution digital copy of his painting of Padmasambhava to help raise funds.

To own your copy, please make a donation of more than £10 HERE, and we will send you a high-resolution copy to download.


Access To The Centre During December

At our recent AGM there was a heartfelt request for Order Members and mitras to be able to come to the Centre over the coming weeks. We can really understand how important it feels to many of you to be able to connect with our beloved building; to make shrines and perform acts of devotion there in the context of our shared history and vision.

The Centre Team is, however, not in a position to make that possible in the coming weeks. We simply don't have the resources or, as it were, infrastructure to facilitate the cleaning and maintenance of the space that would be required in... Read More

Cambridge Buddhist Centre