Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training

Monday 4th Nov 2024 to Monday 16th Dec 2024 - 5.30pm to 7.00pm

The course

Progressive muscle relaxation offers a particularly accessible and efficient pathway to profound relaxation through cultivating a domino effect of relaxation; from muscles to soft tissue, the autonomic nervous system, limbic system, and the mind. It was developed in the medical fields of physiology, neurology, and psychology and evidence-based research has documented and improved its effectiveness since the 1920s.

PMR exercises tend to have immediate relaxing effects. With regular practice and training, your body and mind can learn to relax more deeply and maintain a certain level of relaxation in everyday life. Over time, PMR can support your concentration and health, inner peace, creativity, meditation, and sleep, as well as gentle psychological processing to release physical and emotional tensions and anxieties. Furthermore, with daily practice, there is the possibility of establishing a quick relaxation routine.

This course covers the complete training in progressive muscle relaxation and uses supportive elements from active relaxation, mindfulness, and positive emotion training. It comprises seven evening sessions and a workshop on Saturday, 14 December, 2.30-5.30pm.

Course materials include weekly handouts and recordings of guided exercises. Progressive muscle relaxation complements, and can also be a lead-in to mindfulness-based stress reduction, meditation and training in other relaxation methods.

Requirements and recommendations

Progressive muscle relaxation benefits from regular practice. To get the most of this training course, you want to commit to daily practice (20-30 minutes). You are likely to experience some benefits from just coming to the session or practicing infrequently, but you cannot expect an effective reduction of anxiety, stress, chronic pain, and similar conditions without daily practice.

You can find more information on Progressive muscle relaxation and other relaxation methods at If this would be your first relaxation course with Sarvatajnana, please contact her to find out if it is suitable for you:

Progressive muscle relaxation training is not suitable for people with active psychosis, aortic aneurysm, epilepsy, or myositis. Do contact Sarvatajnana beforehand to discuss anything around health concerns.

The teacher

Sarvatajnana is a certified relaxation therapist. She has been practicing for 20 years and teaching since 2017. You can contact her by email:

Led By: 
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
How To Book: 
Advance payment required
Spaces Available: