Latest News

Appointment of Keturaja as Centre Chair

Dear Sangha members,

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that at a meeting of the CBC’s Trustees on Monday we unanimously agreed to Keturaja becoming the next Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, and he has happily agreed.

The date for his inauguration as our new Chair has not yet been decided but we will let you know as soon as it is confirmed. We hope then to have a gathering of the sangha to witness and celebrate Keturaja taking on this important role.

With warmest good wishes,
(Interim Chair)

We raised over £800 for Ukraine!

On Saturday 7 May we held an early evening concert of French flute and Piano music with Brenda Dykes (flute) and Emma Chopourian (piano) performing music by Jules Mouquet, Faure and Debussy.

The concert was offered as a fundraiser for victims of the war in Ukraine and people were asked to pledge an amount as a donation. The response was hugely generous with over £700 pledged and £164 donated through bookings. So the total raised was over £800!

A big thank you to everyone who attended and donated, with a special thank you to our performers Brenda and Emma.

You can still... Read More

Arthapriya becomes the Interim Chair for the Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Dear fellow Sangha members,

Following the recent announcement that Vidyasakhi is having to step down as Centre Chair, we are pleased to tell you that Arthapriya has generously offered to take up the role of Interim Chair with immediate effect.

The Council of Trustees has unanimously accepted Arthapriya’s offer with gratitude, especially as it means that he very generously has changed some of his other important commitments in order to be available for us.

As many will know, Arthapriya is a Senior Order Member with past experience of being Chair at Manchester, and he is... Read More

Vidyasakhi stepping down as Chair of Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Dear Fellow Sangha members,

At the beginning of last December we wrote to you to let you know that Vidyasakhi, our Chair, was needing to take some time out. She had been working extremely hard, especially since the beginning of the Pandemic period, and now urgently needed to recharge her batteries. We hoped back then that she would return in the New Year feeling refreshed and restored. 

I’m afraid that hasn’t happened, and to compound things during her convalescence she broke her arm and caught Covid. It is becoming clearer to her that she is going to need to take a much... Read More

Amarachandra becomes the Womens' Mitra Convenor for Cambridge

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Amarachandra as Womens' Mitra Convenor for Cambridge.

Amarachandra will be joining the Centre Council and working alongside the Centre Team. She starts her new role on 8th February and will no doubt be in touch to introduce herself soon. We will update you soon on the details of an evening to mark this significant event for the Cambridge Sangha.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Sunetri, Padmajata, and Sagaraghosa for being the point of contact whilst we were without a Womens' Mitra Convenor.

Our first in-person retreat for almost two years!

This weekend saw 46 people enjoy a weekend retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre, in the Suffolk countryside.

It was our first in-person retreat since February 2020 and our first retreat to be run on a 'dana' generosity basis (you can find out more about what dana is HERE).

If you feel inspired to come on a retreat, and you have already learnt to meditate with us, why not come on our non-residential retreat, from 27 to 30 December (more HERE).

Retreat December 2021

Amber Badyari joins our Yoga Teaching Team

Amber has been practicing yoga for 50 years(!) and we warmly welcome her as a yoga teacher at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre from January 2022.

Amber's bio

I purchased my first book on yoga when I was 11 years old, inspired by a great Aunt who was a Vegan. At 16 I found my first yoga class at the local Sports Centre after being advised by an osteopath to give up gymnastics due to an injury. In 1994 I started my training as an Iyengar Yoga Teacher in London and took my assessment at the Maida Vale Institute in 1997.

Meanwhile, I taught yoga at the Croydon Buddhist Centre... Read More

Covid safety at Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Since re-opening in July 2021, our highest priority has been to ensure we are providing a setting where the risk of Covid is reduced as much as possible.

We have introduced Covid safety measures, including improving ventilation in rooms, as well as installing two state-of-the-art air purifiers with HEPA filters. We have also reduced room capacities and we continue to ask that no one attend the Centre if they are at all unwell.

From 10th December 2021, the government is requiring everyone who attends indoor settings to wear a mask, unless they have a medical exemption, or... Read More

Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Ordinations at Adhisthana

We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following women took place at Adhisthana on 29th September 2021.

Linda Diver becomes Tejodhi (long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who has Energy and Wisdom.
Registered spelling Tejodhi. Private preceptor Sunetri.

Linda Oliver becomes Jayamoksini (dot under the ’s’, long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who is liberated through Victory.
Registered spelling Jayamoksini. Private preceptor Sunetri.

Their welcome back event will be taking place at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Saturday 6 November,... Read More

An update on our Phone Appeal

Our phone appeal team of (clockwise from right) Jane, Eileen, Jacqui, Priyadaka, and Kalyanadhi spent the evenings last week calling around our sangha...and what a response we had! So many lovely chats and connections and a fantastic response of financial generosity to support the Centre. We were also fueled by the generosity of Vimalabandhu, Holly, and Liz who cooked delicious meals for us, a very big thank you to them!!

So far the appeal has raised additional monthly donations that add up to £7,750 a year! An amazing response! Many people are having a think about what they'd like... Read More

Dana Kula